Spring Crafts Children Will Love

Easy craft projects allow children to successfully create decorations and gifts. The ideas below will provide children with the opportunity to celebrate spring, while making things they can gift to others, or decorations for your home.

Picture Flowers

Materials: Flower-shaped cookie cutter(s), pencil, scissors, pictures, wooden skewers, paper (plain or patterned), glue, a vase

Have your child use a pencil and a cookie cutter to trace flower-head shapes onto paper. Ask him/her to cut out 2 shapes for each flower they wish to make. Provide him/her with small pictures of themselves or others that you have cut into circles to fit the center of each flower, and have your child glue these onto their flowers. Have him/or glue a wooden skewer to the backs of half of the flowers, then to glue the other half of the flowers to the backs of these and set aside to dry.

Once the flowers are dry, allow him/her to create an arrangement in a vase.

Glittery Planters

Materials: Glitter glue pens, a small planter, organic potting soil, seeds/seeding, water

Give your child a set of glitter glue pens, and a planter that has been washed and dried thoroughly. Ask him/her to create designs or spring scenes on the outside of the planter with the pens, and then set them aside to dry.

Once dry, have him/her fill the planters with soil and plant a seed or seedling in it. Have them add a little water and place it in a sunny window. Explain that water and sunlight are important to the plants but too much water will kill them, and ask them to only water the plants when they start to dry out. Explain the type of plant that was started and, if giving as a gift, let him/her watch it grow some first.

Tulips in a Vase

Materials: Egg cartons, scissors, paints in spring colors, paint brushes, pipe cleaners, vases, ribbon

Often, the first flowers we notice in the spring are tulips. Many people plant them around trees or in front of their homes. These vividly colored flowers bring happiness into the hearts of the people who most anxiously await the first signs of spring.

Cut the cups out of egg cartons, and cut each of these along the sides, 2/3 of the way down. Poke a hole in the bottom of each. Have your child paint with vibrant colors and some brushes, and allow the tulips to dry.

Once dry, have your child poke pipe cleaners up through the holes to form the stems, and place his/her tulips into vases. Then have him/her tie a bow around vase.

Painted Frames

Materials: Wooden picture frame, paint, paint brushes, photographs

Give your child a frame, minus the glass, inserts, and back, if possible. Have him/her paint the frame with spring-time things such as eggs, grass, flowers, and birds.

When dry give, him/her a photograph of him or her self, as well as the other frame parts, and demonstrate how to put the frame back together.