Family Day at the Park

A park is a great place to have a family fun day. Take advantage of these free spaces to visit whenever you have the chance. Enjoy the scenery and have fun as a family.

If you are looking to make a trip to the park enjoyable for your family, there are plenty of things to do that won’t cost anything extra. To get you started, why not try some of these:

  • Pack a picnic lunch, extra water, snacks, and other items you will need, such as sunblock, towels and bathing suits if there is a water feature and the days are warm enough, a blanket or two, a Frisbee, and sports equipment.
  • If allowed, bring fishing poles and tackle boxes.
  • Bring your camera so you can take photos for the family album. Let children join in the fun of photographing what they think is important.
  • Have the children hang out in the playground area during the morning, while you sit nearby and read or socialize with other adults. (If the children are big enough to be left to their own defenses. Otherwise, join them on the playground. You may wish to regardless.)
  • Morning is a good time for children to use the park’s water features as well.
  • Set up the picnic lunch and call the children over. Connect with your children about what you’ll all be doing for the rest of the day, and about what is going on in their lives and yours. Discuss upcoming family events, and anything else they should know about. Be silly with them, and answer questions they may have.
  • Frisbee and catch are both great after lunch games you can enjoy with the children. Consider a walk through the park, or sitting on the rocks by the river. This should be a fun time spent together as a family.

These park days are wonderful ways to strengthen family bonds. Allow your children to invite a friend along for even more fun. Inviting another family along is also an option. Just be sure that everyone is involved in the fun.